Patch Level and Features
We're targetting 1.65 and there are no plans to ever change that.
(패치목표 1.65버전, 향후 바꿀 계획 없음)
Our goal is to launch with as few custom features as possible. After release, if the situation calls for it, we may introduce small non-gameplay influencing custom features. Do not expect any custom features that would effect balance in the slightest way. The few custom features we do have are things like slightly more advanced housing options compared to what existed in 1.65.
(커스텀화된 사항들은 최대한 줄이는것이 목표이고, 게임플레이에 영향을 미치지 않는 범위로 최소화할 것임. 하우징 옵션에서 볼수 있음.)
No, the XP rate is better now due to working camp bonuses, area bonuses, and the new keep bonuses. Type /bonuses in game for a summary.
(경험치 배율은 캠프/지역/새로운 킵 보너스로 인해서 이전보다는 더 좋을것임.)
This is a very good one: Nixian's Character Builder Note that this planner is not maintained by the staff so there may be small mistakes at times. To view Old RAs, look for the "oldRA" button at the top of the Realm Abilities section.
(Nixian의 캐릭터빌더를 이용할수 있지만, 스태프에 의해서 유지/보수 되지 않는만큼 자잘한 오류가 있을 수 있음. oldRA 버튼을 누르면 구ra 항목들을 볼수 있음.)
There is no ETA at this time, but we plan to release them, potentially zone-by-zone.
(SI 존의 구현은 아직 미정이지만, 계획되어 있음.)
Yes! We're the only free shard to do so. For those that don't know, defensive penetration is a elusive but real aspect of DAoC's melee system where a players defensive skills like Block, Parry or Evade are lowered by the Weaponskill and other factors of the attacker.
(유일하게 라이브지향 defense penetration 을 구현한 서버임. 파악하기가 쉽지는 않지만, 공격자의 무기스킬과 다른 요소에 의해서 방어스킬들(블럭,패리,이베이드)이 낮아지게 되어 다옥 밀리 시스템에 영향을 미치는 부분임.)
No, they were single charge and non-stacking in 1.65. However, the staff has implemented a nice helper feature so that you don't have to place the same type of potion on your quick bar after each use. Instead, place the potion that is the lowest in your inventory on your qbar. When you use the potion, the game will start at the top of your inventory and go down, consuming the first potion of that kind that it finds. This way, the potion stays on your quick bar until it is finally consumed and you have no more of those potions in your inventory.
( 포션은 중첩되지않고 단일로 사용됨. 사용의 편의를위해서 인벤토리의 가장아래에 있는 포션을 퀵바에 넣어서 사용하면 매번 포션을 퀵바에 넣지않고 자동으로 사용할수 있음.)
Yes, but only if you can offer substantial evidence: Memory counts for nothing because we have all had times where what we remember has been blurred by previous Uthgard, other free shards, misconceptions and time.
If you're serious about this the types of evidence you should look for are videos, patch notes, grab bags, live testing, TL reports and old forum posts. Keep in mind that in testing we've found that ANY of these sources have been wrong at times so the more collaborating evidence the better.
(기억에 의존한 리폿은 피하고, 실질적인 증거들을 동영상,패치노트,그랩백스,라이브테스트,TL리포트,예전포럼글 등을 통해서 제공해 주시면 감사하겠음! )
You can find a handy table of that information here: Tradeskills. Also keep in mind that Spellcrafters and Alchemists don't get Siegecrafting!
(크래프트 가능한 클래스들 목록은 링크를 참고바람.)
Yes. These drop only in the frontier zones and frontier dungeons, but will also be available from Shrouded Isle zones when they are added.
(RoG는 프론티어존과 프론티어던전에 적용되어 있고, 향후 SI존에 적용될 것임.)
Issues and Uthgard-specific features
Characters that were level 50 had their character names reserved to the email the account was associated with.
If no email was associated with the account, the names are not reserved.
In order to claim those names, you can go to Manage Account, click the Reserved Names tab at the bottom, and enter any emails you used for accounts on Uthgard prior.
Reserved names will be held for two weeks after launch.
계정과 연동된 메일을 통해서만 예전에 썼던 캐릭터 이름을 다시 쓸수 있음.(50랩캐릭만)
Manage Account 페이지에서 Reserved Names 탭을 클릭하면 진행할 수 있음.
런치 이후 2주간만 기존 캐릭터 이름이 보관되니, 2주안에 해당 절차를 진행해야함.
Indeed we do. While some think pathing is a PvE issue, it's actually incredibly important for RvR with pets and keeps. Real pathing means monsters won't just walk through walls in dungeons either.
(pathing 은 pve 뿐만아니라 rvr 에서도 영향을 많이 미치는 부분임. 펫이나 몬스터가 던전이나 킵의 벽을 통과 하지 않는것을 의미.)
The /level command was partially introduced to help lower population servers. Since Uthgard is a single server, we do not ever want to potentially exclude a portion of the game content, and as such the /level command will never be implemented.
The staff may introduce incentive bonuses to specific realms if a huge population disparity ever exists.
(/level 명령어는 제공되지 않을것임. )
At this time, maps are currently disabled until we fix something with them. In game maps actually didn't exist in 1.65. We have allowed the use of /map because any custom UI can be made to open and show the images but it will not track your and your groups location.
(현재 맵들은 수정중이라서 사용할수 없음. 커스텀 ui 로 맵들을 볼수 있기때문에 /map 은 사용할수 있게 해두었지만, 자신의 위치나 그룹원들의 위치를 표시하지 않을것임.)
Yes, there are a lot out there but not all of them may be compatible with live or Uthgard. Bob’s UI, v6.0 (for 1.110 DAoC) gives you a lot of options and has been used by many players successfully on Uthgard.
You can find that here:
(커스텀 ui 사용가능)
You are probably using a custom UI. That's fine, you can fix this:
1. Find the skl_1600 bitmap file in your DAoC folder that Uthgard uses, for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Dark Age of Camelot\icons\skl_1600
2. Copy that file and replace the a file with the same name that lives somewhere within your: C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Dark Age of Camelot\ui\custom
This way your custom UI will use the old icons that Uthgard provides and not an incomplete set.
(몇가지 어빌리티 또는 RA 아이콘이 보이지 않는다면, skl_1600 bitmap 파일을 해당경로에서 찾아서 자신의 ui\custom 폴더에 붙여 넣으면, 우스가드서버에서 제공하는 old icons 들을 사용할수 있게됨.)
This could be caused by several issues.
1. Do you use a custom UI? If so, try disabling it and logging into that character again. If this fixes the problem the UI may be incompatible with Uthgard.
2. Are you playing on a device with a touch screen, drawing board, or digital drawing pen? If so, please check for driver updates and check if you can log in your character on another computer. Often touchpad drivers or touchpad services (such as "WTouch Service" or "tablet PC input service") cause the client to crash, sometimes even only for characters level 25 or higher. Also "TipTap.exe" is known to cause this problem. This is a known issue that will be fixed in the future.
3. If you are using Symantec Endpoint Protection, disable the service and try again.
4. Have you used this installation of DAoC on another Freeshard? If so you should install and use a separate instance of DAoC for Uthgard. Please follow the instructions starting at 2. Download the Client in the top left of the page.
(게임 크래쉬 발생시, 1.커스텀ui 를 사용중이라면 기본ui로 바꿔서 해보기. 2.터치패드관련해서는 드라이버를 업데이트해보기. endpoint protection 사용중이라면 disable 시키고 다시 실행해보기. 4.다른 프리서버와 클라이언트를 공용하고 있다면, 우스가드서버를위한 독립된 클라이언트를 따로 설치하기바람.)
Realm versus Realm
You can change realms in one of two ways:
The first and immediate way is to delete all pre-existing characters on your current realm. Then close the game completely and reopen it.
The second way is to initiate a realm transfer by clicking the Realm Transfer tab at the bottom. This process takes 7 days, and during that time you can continue to play on your existing realm, except for the last 8 hours of the transfer.
(렐름 바꾸는 방법. 1.현재 렐름에 만들어둔 모든 캐릭터들을 삭제하고 게임을 다시 시작한다. 2.Realm Transfer 탭을 통해서 진행가능한데 7일 소요됨.)
While any kind of protection can eventually be bypassed the hassle is a lot greater than you think. It will take a lot of work to do so, but only a tiny amount of work to ban those accounts. While anti-cheat features are not a priority right now, we will re-visit our automated detection in the future again, and will ban abusive players as we see fit. If you do not want to get caught in a future ban wave, and loose all of your characters, we recommend sticking to the rules.
(그냥 룰을 따라주길 바라고, 향후에 밴 되지 않으려면 조심하기를 바람.)
Buff bots were a high point of contention back in 2003 and they are also a drain of resources on the server. Unlike in 2003, nowadays most computers can run multiple instances of DAoC meaning that over time literally half of the players would have a buffbot, doubling the server load, but also giving players with less money an unfair advantage. We also strongly feel that buffbots are a hindrance to building a strong community for players.
(버프봇 허용안됨!)
Much better than other servers. We pride ourselves on the measures we've put in place. We're also planning on investing more time into this in the future. Don't cheat. You will be caught eventually.
(치트 찾아내고 발견하는데 일가견이 있다며 뿌듯해하는 스태프들...ㅎㅎ 그냥 치트 쓰지 마시길.)
Keeps were not worth RPs in 1.65. However they provide lots of bonuses for your realm and your guild. Here is the patch that introduced keep bonuses to DAoC: Patch 1.47
(킵은 rp를 주진 않지만, 많은 보너스를 줌)
Only courier missions which do not grant RPs.
( 단지 rp를 주지않는 커리어 미션만 있음)
The porters will port every 15 minutes, going faster when the server population is lower. In addition, a 2nd port happens within 30 seconds of the main port to help those that forgot to equip their necklaces.
(매 15분 간격으로 포팅이 이루어지고, 서버인구가 적은 시간대에는 좀더 빨리짐. 두번째 포팅은 30초이내에 이루어짐.)
Endurance regeneration potions last 2 minutes and have only a 5 second reuse timer like other buff potions.
Endurance heal potions have a re-use timer of 60 seconds like Health and Power heal potions.
This is important because endurance is a key part of DAoC, and by trivializing endurance regeneration you seriously disrupt the balance of the game.
엔듀리젠포션은 2분 지속됨. 5초의 재사용시간(버프포션과동일)
엔듀포션은 1분의 재사용시간(힐,파워 포션 동일)
No, only the realms that had those items in their classic areas during 1.65. This includes areas like Darkness Falls, but not Shrouded Isles.
(민/순,힘/체,AF 차지가 포함된 아이템은 1.65버전의 클래식 지역에서만 드랍됨. 다크니스폴스 지역도 포함되지만 SI 존은 아님.)
The /lfg channel did not exist in 1.65. However there is a LFG tool and you can find a tutorial to it here: here
The lack of global channels will help drive people to form meaningful groups and alliances to help facilitate communication.
(/LFG 채널은 1.65에서 존재하지않았음. 대신에 LFG 툴을 제공하기로함.)
Here is a Uthgard specific guide to Siege weapons: coming soon
(시즈웨폰 관련 가이드 추후 추가 예정)
Coin was added to RvR kills as part of New Frontiers, well beyond 1.65.
(rvr 킬에 대해서는 코인 드랍 안됨)
Yes, although very very little, just as they did during 1.65. This is part of the risk/reward of leveling in the frontiers.
(그레이콘 유저를 킬 할 경우에 아주 적은 rp 얻을수 있음.)