우스가드 팀에서, 생각을 조금 바꿔서 지금까지 수정하고 패치한 것들을 오픈베타 형식으로 서버를 열어서 유저들을 통해서 피드백을 받고자 한다네요.
하필이면 이 소식을 만우절날 올려서, 많은 유저들로부터 장난아니냐는 소리를 듣고 있긴한데...ㅎㅎ;
일단 아니라고 하니 믿어야겠죠? ㅎㅎ
근데, 타이머를 보니 35일이나 남았군요... 후...
오픈베타기간동안 유저들이 빠르게 테스트 해보고 피드백을 해주면, 그만큼 서버 정식 재오픈 시기가 빨라 질거라고 하는데...
많이들 도와줘야 겠습니다...
대충 다음 사항들 위주로 리폿해달라고 하네요.
1. 로그인 과정이 쉽고 에러는 없는지...
2. 가능한한 1.65패치버전에 근접해서, 레벨링을 하는와중에 경험치,rp배율,돈 드랍배율 등이 적당한지, 레벨링이 너무빠른지 아니면 너무 느린지...
3. 프리서버 최초로 완벽히 작동하는 pathing 시스템을 구현했는데, 혹시모를 중대한 버그는 없는지...
4. 클래스 어빌리티중에(ra 포함) 버그는 없는지...
5. 전체적인 킵과 렐릭 시스템이 수정되었는데, 의도한 기능들이 버그없이 잘 구동되는지...
6. 남용되어질수있는 버그들은 없는지...
Login procedure: We want to ensure that it is easy to connect, and that no errors are to be found in this procedure
Progression: We want to ensure that progression is as close to 1.65 as possible, which means that we want to make sure that players are given the right amount of exp, the right amount of money, items, realm points etc while leveling. If you notice anything that looks like very slow progression, or very fast progression. Please let us know so we can adjust drop rates, xp gain, etc.Pathing: We are the first freeshard to provide our players with fully functioning pathing, which we are very proud of. However this also means that there is a high risk of bugs still being present in our pathing system.Class abilities: All classes have been completed while we were down, and while our testers have done a great job finding bugs with the affected classes, we want to make sure that they are working correctly. On top of that all classes have received new realm abilities, these also need thorough testing, as bugged abilities here can have major impact on the game balance.RvR system: Our entire keep and relic system (along with our siege weapons) have been reconstructed. We need all functionalities of these to be tested as much as possible.Exploitable bugs: While this could apply to all of the above, we are very interested in getting rid of all exploitable bugs. While it might be fun for a few players to abuse these bugs, it is important for the servers wellbeing that we get rid of these bugs as soon as possible. If we want Uthgard to live for a long time, we need to make sure no one can get an unfair advantage by abusing bugs. This might be the most important issue to investigate, and we hope our testers will do their best to find as many of these as possible and report them. Some examples of exploit: (a) a monster spawns in a place where it can be attacked but will not attack back. (b) an item can be salvaged for very high amount of materials.
오픈베타기간에 생성한 계정과 데이터들은 정식 서버 오픈전에 모두 삭제될거라고하니 참고 바랍니다.
그래도 뭔가... 하염없이 기다리는것 보다는 타이머가 돌아가니 좀 낫군요 ^^;