Dear players,
Easter is upon us and we would like to take this time to inform you of the significant amount of work that has taken place over the last few months! We hope that through this update we can give many of you reassurance that the project is very much alive and we also want to build excitement about what is going on and what is to come. Again we want to clarify that we did not expect this downtime to last as long as it does and we're eagerly working to open the server again for all of you as soon as possible.
As previously reported we have allowed a small group of testers to login the server in order to assist our progress. The testers have been very thorough and to date we have had well over several hundred bug reports resolved. Many of these reports required hours of not only testing but also time to resolve from the staff. We feel this will provide a fantastic and realistic DAOC experience for you once we relaunch. It should be noted that these bug reports are significant for what will be your playing experience! And thus they have not involved the replacement of our much beloved cliff beetles that are at this time very happy in their home!
Currently we are closing in on completing what is an extremely advanced RvR and relic system. There are many exciting benefits hidden behind the keep system on the new Uthgard – some of you may have seen a sneak peak from Trishin on the forum a while ago! Whilst we don't want to give you all the details right now we would like to assure you that the RvR system on the new Uthgard will be beneficial and exciting for all types of players – whether it be 8v8, solo, zerging or small man. The powers of the keeps are significant. We are certain that all players will be keeping them guarded for the wonderful bonuses that they hold. We would also like to add that these bonuses are not custom and are very much within our patch level.
We very much look forward to the realm pride this will bring to our server and also the welcoming platform for players of all types to enjoy! A more significant update post of our keep and relic system will be released to you soon. This post will detail all you need to know about the keep system so that you are fully prepared once we are live. The race to Darkness Falls will be one of the highlights of the launch!
Some of you may have also noticed the new changes to our server rules which also may provide you with many questions – specifically to our master account system. These questions will be answered in due course. However, we would like to reassure you that the master account system is essential for our vision of the new Uthgard. We are keen on stopping cross realming and reinstating realm pride. It will be possible to switch realms on your account but this comes with a significant wait until your account changes realm.
As always we appreciate our loyal community of players who still keep our forums alive and we hope this update will make you as excited as we are for what is soon to be the best and most authentic old DAOC experience you will find!
Until then, stay well and keep an eye out for updates. Have a nice easter weekend!
Your Uthgard Staff.
오랜만에 소식이 올라왔네요.
디테일한 소식은 추후에 올라올 모양인데, 눈에띄는 것은 마스터 어카운트 시스템에 관한 것과, 킵을 통한 RVR/렐릭 시스템에 관한 것이네요.
크로스 렐름을 최대한 막을 생각인가 봅니다.
그리고, 킵관련해서 뭔가 다양한 구성의 유저들을 위한 보너스가 생기나 보네요.(솔로,스몰그룹,풀그룹,저그 등등)
글에서 풍기는 뉘앙스는 올해안에는 오픈할거 같기는 한데... 지켜봐야겠네요 ㅎㅎ