여전히 서버는 공사중! 이라는 새로운 소식이 떳네요.
흥미로운 소식은, 서버 패치 목표를 1.69버전에서 1.65버전으로 바꾸었다는 것입니다.
올드 RA 구현의 진행 상황은 패시브RA는 모두 구현되었고, 액티브RA 는 70% 정도 완성되었다고 합니다.
경험치 획득에 관한 사항도 수정이 되어져서, 이전보다는 더 많은 경험치를 획득할 수 있을거라고 하네요.
캐릭터 생성시 첫 시작 위치는, 코츠월드,뮬란,맥멜로 유지가 되나 봅니다. SI 포탈은 아마도 이미 알고 있는 그곳에 있게 되겠죠?^^
모든 하우징 시장터와 말상인, 말 이동경로, 그리고 집터를 구현하기 시작했다고 하네요. 모든 하우징 존들이 확실하게 충분한 토지를 공급해서 이용가능하게 될거 랍니다.
방어관통(defense penetration)의 비밀을 풀기위한 중요한 정보를 수집하기위해 조력자들의 지원으로 작업중이었다고 하네요. 좋은 결과가 기대가 됩니다.
Hello everyone!
We are hard at work and the world is taking shape. We've expanded our staff by adding some new friendly faces to our staff. Please welcome Gnome, Cragoon and Baiden.
After internal discussion and gathering information from players, we have decided to set 1.65 as our stated patch goal opposed to 1.69 before. This was the last patch before ToA hit live servers and is seen by us as the most consistent state of the game we could bring. Our vision for the server remains, "provide a classic experience of Dark Age of Camelot that represents the state of the game in 2003".
We have seen nice progress on implementing Old RA's which have all passives implemented and active RA's are about 70% done. There will be further tests, research and detail work going on there as its one of the more critical subsystems. Theres also quite some detail work on existing class features going on. XP gain rules have been corrected to work better and in general give more XP than before.
Original start locations have been restored, and our world reflects these changes. Cotswold, Mularn, and Mag Mell are once again growing and thriving villages, and the Shrouded Isles portal has found it's way back to its proper location. Shrouded Isles comes alive more and more each day.
As a side task, work has begun implementing all housing marketplaces, stable masters, horse routes, and house lots. All housing zones will be available to ensure sufficient house lot supply.
Also, we're excited to announce our staff has been making progress with the aid of a number of helpers in gathering important information to crack open the secrets of defense penetration. Hundreds of man hours have produced very promising results already.
We look forward to sharing more progress with you soon.
Warm regards,
Your Uthgard Staff.