Hello folks!
While we are working on our revamp, we want to keep you up to date!
Our current goals are the completion of missing features that have been announced long time ago. Precisely this means old realm abilities, complete classes and the Shrouded Isles expansion will be available when we're relaunching. We are also going to fix several bugs that our community has reported. We are always trying to keep the game quality at a very high level to make sure you have a good game experience. Many thanks to all of our brave bug reporters!
We are going to reserve names of former level 50 characters for two weeks after relaunching. If you want to use your old names within the first two weeks, the game account must be registered to the same email address as the old account was registered to. If the email address does not match, you will not be able to use a reserved name. Please note that only character names from accounts with verified email addresses will be reserved, since it is impossible for us to identify the owner otherwise.
After two weeks all reserved names that have not been claimed by their previous owners will be released for public use.
We still cannot estimate any potential release date for relaunching, but we will need one or two months for sure. We will keep you up to date! You can also follow our development progress in the gallery.
Kind regards
Your Uthgard Staff
새로운 업데이트 소식이 있을 때 마다, 공지를 해 주겠다는 내용과, 지금 하고 있는 작업들 ( 미구현되어 있는 사항들을 중점적으로) 에 관한 언급, 향후 서버가 재 오픈되고, 2주동안 기존에 사용했던 동일한 이메일로 등록한 계정에 한해서, 50랩 캐릭터들의 이름을 다시 사용 할 수 있게 보유해 놓는다는 내용입니다.
재 오픈 시기는 아직 미정이며, 약 한~두달 정도는 작업해야 할거라는군요.
작업 과정을 조금이나마 둘러 볼 수 있도록 gallery 에 스크린샷을 올려 놓고 있으니, 링크 참고 바랍니다.