몇일 바빠서 접속도 못하고 있었는데, 우스가드 운영진이 아주 큰 결심을 한 모양이군요...
"Fresh Start!!"
네... 첨이자 마지막이 될, 서버 리셋을 단행하기로 했다는 뉴스입니다...(잠시 눈물좀 닦고...ㅠㅠ)
뭐, 포럼 급하게 대충 둘러보니, 오리진 서버 오픈이후로 올라온 글들... 그리고 현재 서버상황... 등에 운영진들도 스트레스 많이 받았을거 같네요.
고심 끝에 결정한 서버리셋... 그리고, 완전한 서버를 오픈하기위해, 서버를 닫아두고 작업한다는데...
재오픈 일정은... 기약이 없다네요... 페이스북과 메일로 알려주겠답니다.
에휴... 6년동안 정이 많이 들었는데... 시원섭섭하네요 ㅎㅎ
아무쪼록, 유저들이 바라고, 운영자들도 만족 할 만한 서버로 재탄생 되길 바래봅니다~
그동안 우스가드에서 플레이하셨던 모든 분들~ 언제어디서라도 건강하게 재미나게 지내시길 바라며~
기회가 된다면, 서버가 재오픈 되었을때 보도록 해요~
(뉴스 원문은 따로 해석하지 않겠습니다.)
*서버 닫히는 일시 : 1월 27일 월요일 01:00 (CET)
We've come down a very long road together. Eleven years have passed since Uthgard was started. Since the launch back in 2003 the server has evolved a lot. We’ve gone through many changes together. From a pure 3D chat without a working melee and spell system to a complex game engine. There has always been a lot to do for us to keep your game experience as enjoyable as possible. Although all of the changes that Uthgard has seen were always meant to make this server better, we have also made mistakes. Some of those mistakes that had little influence back then, but led to bigger issues much later and caused trouble that we are facing in these days.
In the past there have been issues with incorrect drop rates which led to a high gap between the wealth of older and newer players. Some players were able to buy anything they wanted while others had to work for a long time to obtain the same wealth. In addition, non-classic DAoC items were introduced in the game which made drops from original bosses unwanted. This led to people farming in instanced regions in small groups instead of gathering as a realm to conquer enemies. Unfortunately these items were too strong for our envisioned classic setting. Since they were introduced, they couldn't simply be removed or adjusted later without significant impact to the players who worked to obtain them.
Not only the PvE is affected by Uthgard's history - the RvR is affected as well. Compared to the server's population over the last few years, in the beginning there were fewer people in the game. When more and more people were attracted by this server, those who had been in this game for a long time already had high realmranks, items and money from previous settings which newer players don’t have access to anymore. The gap between old and new players became bigger and along with it, the attitude of a lot of players changed. While the server population grew, the RvR population didn't as much. This caused the endgame RvR to become more and more an elitist's game where other's couldn't compete and stopped trying or re-rolled for battlegrounds over and over.
We are aware of the fact that there have been missing features all the time, such as class abilities, pets or certain RvR features for keeps and relics. We always had this in mind, but we got distracted and worked on other issues in detail. Another example is the development of the old realm abilities. We have been talking about this for too long.
All of these problems have led to the situation we're in: Our population is back to where it was years ago. The player count is dropping day by day and there isn't really anything good we could tell you about this. We want to get these things straight now. That's why we have decided to shut down the server until we have worked this out. We do not want to offer an incomplete server any longer. We want to focus on all of the current problems as fast as possible, which is not possible with a running server that needs to be supported.
There have been many suggestions from the community about how to solve the problems mentioned above. Unfortunately there is no easy way to get to more balanced and consistent structures in the game. We have tried to find solutions in the past and they have all failed. In order to offer a good DAoC experience in the future, we have come to the conclusion that the best thing for the server is a fresh start. You can trust us that this is a once in a lifetime occurrence and its not easy for us. We know it is hard for all of you, our loyal players, and we feel with you! However nobody wants an empty server. Newcomers must be included into the community and they must have the feeling to stand a chance. For DAoC to work, a crowded server is important. We will focus on missing features to be in good shape for a big comeback. After this we will see which alliances, guilds or players will spread the most fear among their enemies!
The Uthgard game server will be closed on Monday, January 27th, at 01:00 CET and we will start a major revamp. We can't give you any estimated date when the server will be back online, because we don't know. We will announce on Facebook and will send e-mails to forum and game users when the server is ready. Our goal remains delivering the highest quality pre-ToA, pre-NF, classic DAoC gameplay for you.
Kind regards,
Your Uthgard Staff