[뉴스]Frozen Grounds Event

Posted by VOINA Info : 2014. 1. 13. 23:44

Dear Uthgard players!

Winter is upon us and temperatures are dropping all over the lands of Midgard, Hibernia, and Albion. In an attempt to stay warm, the Kobolds have been praying to their gods asking for warmth and they have bestowed upon the lands a great gift:

16. Jan 18:00 CET (Thursday) - 21. Jan 09:00 CET (Tuesday)

DOUBLE XP, DOUBLED drop rates and DOUBLED money drops for all!

Stay inside and work fast to keep your temperature up and the furnace burning! Always wanted a shiny new sword? No problem! Now your drop chance is twice what it normally would be! Need money to craft a fresh set of armor to defend against the hordes of enemy invaders? Worry not, you will find that creatures of all sizes who carry money are twice as rich!

Don't miss out on it and enjoy this weekend and stock up on everything your heart desires. Take your chance and get your character up to decent levels!

Warm regards,

Your Uthgard Staff

Written by Blue

Monday, 13. January 2014 13:06 

네... 두배라네요 ㅎㅎ  더블~더블~더블~

오리진섭 런칭을 염두에 둔 이벤트일지도 모르겠지만, 암튼 경험치,아이템드랍,머니드랍 모두 두배라니... 이 기간을 잘 활용하시길~

근데, 이런걸로 될려나 ㅎㅎ 


Old ra 는 2월경으로 예상하고 있다고 하는데...지켜봐야할듯.