드디어 Old RA 가 구현되겠군요.

Posted by VOINA Info : 2013. 10. 31. 16:07
패치목표버전도 확실하게 1.69로 못박고, 구 ra 도 공식적으로 구현하려나 보네요.

애초에 목표를 정했을때, 커스텀화된 컨텐츠들을 한번에 모두 제거했더라면, 유저들의 반감이 조금 덜 했으려나...싶기도 하고...ㅎㅎ

짧게는 몇일, 길게는 몇달씩 텀을 두고 제거해 나가다 보니... 힘들게 템플릿 짜놓은 유저들은 아이템이 문제가 되어 불만이 터져 나오고, old ra 로 인해서 자기 캐릭이 이득을 못보게 되니까 불만인 사람도 나오고, 여기저기서 불만이 터져 나오는군요 ^^

근데, 한치 앞만 보지말고, 좀더 여유를 두고 멀리 보시길 바랍니다.

제가 우스가드서버를 좋아하고, 스탭들을 이해하고 좋아하는 이유이기도 한데... 절대 서두르지 않는다는거...(성격 급한 사람들은 못견디죠 ㅎㅎ 5년이 넘게 네크로 구현안되는거 보면 ㅋㅋ)

그리고, 여타 서버 운영자들은 절대 따라갈수 없는 그들만의 운영방식은... 뭐랄까...존경스럽달까...

얘네들은 유저들에게 절대 휘둘리지 않죠...룰에 맞게 딱딱 적용하고...참 마음에 듭니다.

지금 몇몇 유저들은 오리진서버이야기 하면서, 그리로 넘어가네 마네 하는 소리를 하는데, 두고보면 다 돌아온다는 ㅎㅎ
(다옥포탈에 등록되어있는 서버들중 우스가드를 제외하고 오래 유지되는 서버는 거의 없다고 봐야죠... 사람들이 빠른 랩업을 원하고, 빨리 rvr을 하고 싶고, 다양한 컨텐츠를 만들어주길 원하지만, 누가 이런걸 해주나요? :)  ) 

6년정도 여기서 놀다보니... 이런점들이 눈에 잘 보이게 되더군요...

구 ra 패치되고나면, 이제 네크로좀 만들어 줬으면 하는 바램...  알브 모든 클래스 다 만들고 졸업했는데...네크로만 남았는데...ㅠㅠ 에휴~


Dear Uthgard Players!

We as Uthgard Staff would like to make this news post to clarify some ongoing issues that will create changes in your life here on Uthgard. First and foremost, we'd like to state that we understand that change, good or bad, can always be difficult. While it would be easy to keep with the status quo, that is not our intention and we will move forward from where we are today. What does that road look like? First, some history.

First announced in 2010, Uthgard Staff announced that we would implement Old Realm Abilities to match a newly established 1.69 patch limit for features. This patch limit was decided after fierce consideration as it is the last patch before New Frontiers. As part of this patch limit includes ToA content, it should be stated that ToA content will not come. 

After the announcement, it became clear that we lacked many significant information to be able to successfully recreate a number of abilities that would lead to a system based mostly on guesses from website descriptions and forum posts (and worse: memory). Time and time again, our research into the mechanics of DAoC has shown that memory often leaves out key details and that what "sounds logical" often doesn't pan out with regard to how these things interact with complex systems in DAOC. As a result, we moved Old RA to the low end of the priority scale as it was almost impossible to implement. But as some of you noticed NF RA's don't fit nicely to a server which lacks ToA content. That created a difficult situation for Uthgard.

However, recent breakthroughs in our research have provided more in-depth knowledge and historically accurate representations of a number of abilities that we did not previously have. Therefore, we are announcing that we are going to re-focus our efforts on implementing Old RA's along with our 1.69 patch target. 

In addition to Old realm abilities, there are a number of "difficult to swallow" class enhancements that came after 1.69 until 1.80 (or even later) that we have on Uthgard. Many of these changes are listed in our "Downpatch" section of the bug report forum. Most of these changes represent a small change for an overall class but often impact balance in some meaningful way. The change of these abilities will mean you may need to adapt your playstyle or learn to live without a specific comfort that was introduced beyond 1.69.

Some may ask, "But what about customization X, Y, or Z?" For these changes, you should review our "Custom stuff on Uthgard" thread. Generally speaking, if something isn't on this list, it is either an omission or can (and should) be set to be within our patch limit of 1.69. We will further attempt to keep this list minimized. Uthgard will still host own events and offer some custom created content but we will make sure it doesn't interfere with original DAoC as much as e.g. Tajendi items did.

So in short, Uthgard will move to classic DAoC at 1.69 and will leave the rest of New Frontiers stuff behind. It can be a rocky road so be prepared.

Thank you for your continued support. We will see you on the battlefield!

Warm regards,

Your Uthgard Staff.