[cotswold map]
talk to frederick 1 more time and take the quest.
you got the empty wooden magic box. click the box and drop it in your quickbar.
fairy location[ref. cotswold map]
go to frederick and give the full wooden magic box to him.
talk to him 1 more time and take the quest.
Traitor in Cotswold
you got the necklace of the doppelganger. set it in your quickbar.
Lady Felin's location [ref. cotswold map]
you got the ire Fairy plans.
give it to frederick
talk to frederick 1 more time and take the quest.
you got the ire Fairy Plans.
now go to the prydwen keep. and find Scryer Alice.
[camelot hills map]
give the ire fairy plans to her. and wait for a min.
talk to her again, take the translated ire fairy plans.
turn back to frederick and give the plans to him.
talk to frederick and take the quest.
find 3 fairies and kill them.
fairies location[Ref. camelot hills map]
turn back to frederick and give the 3 wings to him.
now you need to make 4 level for next quest. just kill some mobs near yard.[blue or yellow mobs]
Ire Fairy Ire
if you are 4 level, talk to frederick and take quest.
go to Haruld and click him then typing /whisper fairy
Haruld's location [Ref. camelot hills map]
go inside and click the nob then typing /whisper fairy
then go out to back yard and find fairy dragonfly handler.
kill fairy and check [dragonfly whip] in inventory.
now Right click on Dragonfly Hatchling. it will be following you.
go to dragonfly handler colm and give the [dragonfly whip] to him.
colm's location [Ref. cotswold map]
turn back to frederick and talk him.
now you need to make 5 level for last quest. just kill some mobs near yard.[blue or yellow mobs]
if you are 5 level, talk to frederick and take the last quest.
find master dunwyn at west of camelot hills. [Ref. camelot hills map]
talk to master dunwyn. and then go to fairy village.
recruits will follow you.
kill the Queen Tatiana. and get her head.
talk to master dunwyn again, then turn back to frederick.
give the head to frederick and take the reward.