[뉴스] 재오픈 일정 공개!

Posted by VOINA Info : 2016. 12. 3. 11:01



Dear players,

We would like to take you back to January 25th 2014 where we stated: 'We've come down a very long road together'. It is fair to say that given the amount of time Uthgard has been down since the January of that year that we can echo those words once again. The road has been long, hard and at times draining. However, we are pleased to announce that on Friday January the 6th at 20:00 UTC+1 Uthgard will officially return and Dark Age of Camelot will once again return to our lives in its glory.

20:00 UTC+1 converts to the following time zones for you all:

    CET: 20:00 (Berlin)
    HKT: 03:00 (Hong Kong)
    EST: 14:00 (New York)
    PST: 11:00 (Los Angeles)

Once the new timer on the webpage has hit 00:00:00 Uthgard will open its doors officially once again for you our loyal player base, our DAOC veterans and soon to be new friends.

The server is now in a good enough shape to relaunch; the last few months of the open BETA proved extremely useful to improving the quality of our server and we would like to thank you all once again for your efforts. Some crucial and alarming discoveries were made, the most significant being an issue with our housing zones, as we strived to fix this we fell further into what proved to be a housing rabbit hole. We took the decision to completely overhaul the housing zone and this has taken a lot of man hours to do effectively. Along with housing there were other significant bugs and issues, but now we are in a good enough place to relaunch for you all and allow you all an equal opportunity to start afresh fairly.

We would like to make a side note to our American and non European comrades. We consider Uthgard to be now more than ever a truly international server. We realise the time may not be considered to be 'friendly' towards our American player base, this was not so much out of choice but staff scheduling. We value your presence and look forward to the influx of American and international players once our European friends return to their beds for rest! We have recruited some fine Game Masters who will be on hand to help our American and further afield player base so support will be there for you at all times of day.

We want Uthgard to be considered a home for players seeking a true Dark Age of Camelot classic experience and will be on hand to support our players through frequent updates and communication via the forum or Facebook page. Our passion and drive is what sets our server apart from all the others but also you our loyal players. Let us together make Uthgard the only place to seek the authentic Dark Age of Camelot experience. We will continue to strive for an improved communication with our players in regards to updates of the server. Changes have already been made via our Facebook page - be sure to follow us there!

Now is the time for you to talk amongst yourselves, friends and guild members about your chosen realms and starting classes! Players are reminded that once the server is live the instant 50, armour merchants and respec merchants will all disappear from your capital cities and the realm switch timer will revert back to seven days. The server will remain in its BETA stage until we come ever closer to the relaunch date; this is to allow you to keep helping the server as we prepare for the relaunch. Do not forget tonight dragon test where we hope to see some of you again!

We are extremely excited to see many of you competing in our frontiers and hope through our improved keep system that there will be a place for you all whether it is solo, group, 8v8 or zerg! We have mentioned previously that the rush for Darkness Falls will be one of the highlights of the relaunch and we very much look forward to new memories being born on our server!

There have been many times for us all where we wished we were a part of this great game from the beginning once again, we invite you all to join us in that opportunity of a clean slate for you. Help your realms in any way you can, work together and most importantly of all have fun! Sometimes we can forget in moments of tension and hostility that ultimately we want to play this game because it is unique fun and the best PvP experience out there!

We cannot wait to see you all in the homelands and frontiers soon!

Your very relieved and proud Uthgard Staff!


드디어 재오픈 일정이 정해졌나 봅니다!


2017년 1월 7일 토요일 새벽 4시네요.


위 내용중에는 크게 중요한 것은 없는거 같고, 재오픈 전까지는 베타상태가 계속 이어지는거 같습니다.


현재 드레곤을 테스트중인거 같구요.


재오픈때 SI 존은 미구현이라고 하네요.


인터네셔날 서버로서 GM 도 좀더 보충해서 24시간 GM의 도움을 받을 수 있도록 한다고 합니다.


그동안 많은 부분을 수정하고 새로 만들고 하였는데, 향상된 프론티어존 킵 시스템과 다크니스폴스를 통해서 재미를 느낄 수 있을거라고 하네요.


거의 3년만의 재오픈이라서 기대도 되지만, 한편으로는 유저들을 너무 오래 기다리게 한건 아닌지 걱정도 되네요.


하지만, 다옥을 사랑하는 유저라면 재오픈 소식을 듣고 달려오지 않을까 생각되네요.


연초라 시간이 날지는 모르겠지만, 캐릭은 만들어 놔야 겠네요. 이전에 쓰던 캐릭명을 그대로 쓸수 있을거 같으니...


그리고, 렐름은 스위칭 타임이 7일이라고 하는거 보니 크로스렐름을 최대한 막을 생각인거 같네요.


우스가드서버에서 플레이 하실 계획이 있으신 분들은, 같이 하실분들을 모아서 렐름을 정해서 하시면 좋을거 같구요.


언어,시간에 구애 받지 않으시는 분들은 크게 신경안쓰셔도 될거 같습니다.


재오픈되는 서버는 오픈베타를 통해서도 확인을 했지만, 한글패치가 적용이 안될거 같네요.


기존의 game.dll 파일이 uth.dll 파일로 이름이 바뀌었고, 서버패치에 맞게 수정이 되어졌기때문에 한글사용을 위해 패치된 game.dll파일로 대체할수 없을거 같습니다.


이부분은 재오픈 이후에 다시 확인해 보겠지만, 어려울거 같네요.


커뮤니티를 위한 대안으로, 요즘 많이 쓰이는 디스코드가 괜찮은거 같더군요.


오픈베타때 만들어두었던 채널을 알려드릴테니 필요하신분들은 편하게 사용하시면 되겠습니다. https://discord.gg/0v4CHpw8D0TqBAfU 


자세한 부분은 일단 재오픈이 되어서 플레이 해 봐야 알수있겠죠.


새로운 소식이나 변경사항이 올라오면 최대한 빨리 공지 하도록 하겠습니다.