오랜만에 올라온 소식

Posted by VOINA Info : 2015. 11. 22. 11:46




겨울이 오고 있답니다! :)


이번 뉴스는 그동안 아무도 모르게 진행되어져 오고 있던 것들에 대한, 그리고 현재 진행중인, 앞으로 진행될 업데이트에 대한 소식이네요.

물론, 서버오픈예정일에 대한 소식은 들어있지 않습니다.  유저들이 예정일이 맞지 않아서 실망하는걸 바라지 않는다네요.


일단, 본댄서, 네크로맨서, 이동경로(pathing) 가 완전히 구현이 되었다고 합니다.  이동경로는 현 라이브서버에 구현되어있는 방식인거 같네요.

제 블로그 뒤져보면, 동영상이 있을거 같네요. 몹이나 npc 가 벽을 통과하지않고, 우회해서 이동하는 방식을 구현한 것이지 싶습니다.

이전에 이미 구현되었다고 이야기 한적이 있지만, 그동안 제대로 작동하도록 하기위해 많은 시간을 투자했다는 이야기를 하고 있네요.

이제는 유저들에게 선보일수 있는 정도의 상태가 되었답니다. 기대해 보자구요~


현재는 몇몇의 유저와 함께 서버를 닫아두고 테스트 중이랍니다. 이테스트에 동참한 유저들을 마치 로봇처럼 부리고 있다는 내용인데... 그들의 노고에 감사를 드립니다!

좀더 나은 우스가드 서버를 위한 그들의 희생과 헌신... 우리모두 기억해야할거 같네요!

여튼, 발견된 많은 버그들을 테스트를 통해서 많이 고치고, 또 다른 버그들도 발견하고 ... 고치고, 이런 작업을 반복하고 있나 봅니다.


만약, 테스트에 참여하고 싶으면, 양식을 채워서 보내면 검토해보고 연락 주는거 같네요.


무조건 되는건 아니고, 테스터가 더 필요할 경우 메일로 알려주나 봅니다. 관심이 있으신 분들은 일단 보내시고 기다려 보시면 되겠네요.


테스트에 참여 못한다고 슬퍼하거나 부러워할 필요없다고 사족을 달아 놓았네요. 지루하고 반복적인 테스트가 다반사이기 때문에 말이죠.


향후 진행될 내용은 RVR개편을 마무리 짓는 것이라고 하네요. 뭔가 불편하게 느껴지는 부분을 수정하고나면, 다음 단계로 넘어갈 예정인데, 몇몇 부분에 대한 오픈테스트가 될거 라는 군요. 테스터들이 미처 발견하지 못한 버그들을 찾거나, 소그룹으로는 테스트 할수 없었던 레이드들의 기술적인 부분을 체크해 볼수 있는 기회가 될거 라고 하네요.

오픈베타때 많이들 참여하시면 바뀐 부분들 미리 둘러 볼수 있을거 같네요.


마지막으로 스트레스테스트가 예정되어 있다고 합니다. 랙없이 얼마나 많은 유저가 접속할수 있는지 테스트해서, 런칭때 원활하게 플레이 할수 있도록 성능체크를 해볼수 있는 기회가 될거라고 하네요.


이상에서 알수 있듯이, 마지막 두어달은 서버를 재오픈할수 있는 상태로 만들기 위해서 할일이 많은 기간이 될거라고 하며, 본인들도(운영자,개발자) 우리만큼 하루빨리 플레이할수 있기를, 그리고 서버가 사람들로 넘쳐나기를 바란답니다.


이미 오랜 시간을 기다려 왔는데, 이왕 기다린거, 좀더 여유를 가지고 기다려보면 머지않아 서버 재오픈 소식을 들을수 있을거 같네요. :)



Winter is coming!


Hello everyone!

It has been a while since we have had a news post, so we thought it was time to give you an update of what has been going on, along with an update on what we are working on right now, and what will happen in the future. Spoiler: This will not include ETAs, as we don't want to disappoint you if an ETA is not met.

What has been going on:
We are very happy to announce that bonedancers, necromancers and pathing have been fully implemented. We know we talked about this being done before, however we have now reached a state where we could actually let players have a look at them. Having something implemented unfortunately doesn't mean that the work stops, and that no further effort needs to be put into them to make them work, so a lot of our downtime since the last post has been about finding edge-cases and polishing these three systems.

What is going on right now:
Right now we are having a very closed testing session with a few players. These are players who are very dedicated and have been following our progress closely. Additionally these players are very thorough testers and are sometimes abused like robots. We thank them very much for their dedication and testing resilience, and for all the time they have spent on making Uthgard a better place. Because of these players we have had some great progress since we first opened the testing phase: We have had about 200 bug reports created, and resolved within a month. That is 5-6 bugs / day that has been discovered and fixed, I hope you will agree with us that this is amazing work of both our developers and testing team.

If you want to join the testing, please fill out this form:

http://goo.gl/forms/KojWIyrcEa - Remember, we hand pick who is invited to the test, filling out the form will not mean that you will be able to participate in future test cycles. You will get an email notification when we are ready for more testers.

Some of you might be sad about not being part of these tests, however as someone who have observed our testers at work, you have nothing to envy. The work they are doing is very boring, and often consists of repeating the same task over and over to figure out exactly how to reproduce behavior and bugs. Not much actual gameplay is actually being experienced by these testers at this point.

What will happen in the future:
Our focus at this time is to finish our RvR rewrite (I know, are we still on about this?!). This is a bigger task than anticipated to be honest with you, and at it's current state we don't feel comfortable to have anyone but our internal testers look at it. Once we have this at a state where we are comfortable having more eyes looking at it, we will move on to the next phase.

Our next phase will be some sort of open testing (you can call it an open beta). This hopefully will reveal bugs that our testers missed, but also give us a chance to see how some of the mechanics work that aren't testable with a small group of people (relic raids, dragon raids, etc).

Lastly, we will have a stress test. This test will be done to secure that as many players as possible will be able to connect at launch without experiencing lags. Hopefully this will show any major performance issues we might have created during our downtime, and give us a chance to have a smooth launch where everyone is able to play.

So as you can see we have been hard at work the last couple of months to get the server to a state where we can reopen for everyone. We as much as you, want to play again, and see our server full of people.

Hope you enjoyed our update on what is going on with Uthgard.

Warm regards,
Your Uthgard Staff.