하이브리드 스펙 머셔 템플릿 입니다.
스펙 : 듀얼 50, 쓰러스트 40 , 쉴드 42 , 나머지 패리
패리가 스펠에서 빠진 템플릿입니다. 그래서 99퀄 셋트와 쉽게 구할수 있는 악세사리로 완성 했습니다.
플레이트와 체인은 아무리 생각해도, 명작을 뽑는것이 부담 되기에 ...ㅎㅎ;
(갑옷 작업 하는데만 5.5p 가량 들더라구요 ;; 힘듭니다 ㅠㅠ)
그냥 , 장비 빨 믿지말고 , 실력으로 승부 하면 될듯 ㅋㅋ;
쉴드는 어차피 슬램용 이기에 중요하지않고, 이 스펙으로 다른 머셔 스펙에 쓰셔도 아무 문제 없을 거에요.(무기스킬만 바꾸어서...패리가 필요하시다면 직접 수정해야겠지만요..)
LOKI Build Report
Default Configuration:
Build Utility: 836.0
Useable Utility: 828.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
STR:77/75 CON:76/75 DEX:76/75
QUI:77/75 INT:0/75 PIE:0/75
CHA:0/75 EMP:0/75
Body: 26
Cold: 27
Heat: 26+5
Energy: 26
Matter: 27
Spirit: 26+5
Crush: 26+2
Slash: 26
Thrust: 26+3
Thrust: 11
Dual Wield: 11
Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99)
4 Dual Wield
22 Quickness
52 Hits
13 Dexterity
Utility: 56.3
TOA Utility: 0.0
Imbue: 33.0/28 (Quality: 99)
9% Spirit
10 Constitution
60 Hits
7% Heat
Utility: 53.7
TOA Utility: 0.0
Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99)
3 Thrust
3 Dual Wield
10 Strength
11% Crush
Utility: 58.7
TOA Utility: 0.0
Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99)
4 Thrust
9% Slash
5% Spirit
7% Thrust
Utility: 62.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99)
11% Slash
5% Heat
3% Energy
4 Thrust
Utility: 58.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
Imbue: 33.0/28 (Quality: 99)
25 Dexterity
5% Matter
7% Spirit
7% Thrust
Utility: 54.7
TOA Utility: 0.0
Right Hand:
Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99)
5% Thrust
25 Quickness
7% Cold
19 Dexterity
Utility: 53.3
TOA Utility: 0.0
Left Hand:
Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99)
9% Energy
5% Spirit
4 Dual Wield
7% Heat
Utility: 62.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99)
7 Shield
3% Energy
2% Heat
1% Spirit
Utility: 47.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
Neck (Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Necklace):
Imbue: 30.0
7% Thrust
7% Body
48 Hits
7% Energy
Utility: 54.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
Cloak (fortified cloak of alifa):
Imbue: 37.0
19 Strength
19 Dexterity
9% Crush
9% Matter
Utility: 61.3
TOA Utility: 0.0
Jewel (gem of spirit abhorrent):
Imbue: 30.0
7% Body
7% Energy
7% Heat
7% Matter
Utility: 56.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
Belt (Superior Accursed Belt of Might ):
Imbue: 24.0
12 Strength
6% Body
6% Crush
6% Slash
Utility: 44.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
Left Ring (diamond ring):
Imbue: 30.0
18 Strength
18 Constitution
10% Cold
Utility: 44.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
Right Ring (diamond ring):
Imbue: 30.0
18 Strength
18 Constitution
10% Cold
Utility: 44.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
Left Wrist (Bracer of Wonderous Alacrity):
Imbue: 28.0
30 Quickness
6% Body
24 Hits
Utility: 38.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
Right Wrist (bracer of stout):
Imbue: 27.0
30 Constitution
16 Hits
6% Matter
Utility: 36.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
LOKI Craft Report
Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99)
Gem 1: Flawed Icy War Sigil (4 Dual Wield)
Gem 2: Precious Airy Essence Jewel (22 Quickness)
Gem 3: Faceted Blood Essence Jewel (52 Hits)
Gem 4: Imperfect Vapor Essence Jewel (13 Dexterity)
Imbue: 33.0/28 (Quality: 99)
Gem 1: Polished Vapor Shielding Jewel (9% Spirit)
Gem 2: Flawed Earthen Essence Jewel (10 Constitution)
Gem 3: Precious Blood Essence Jewel (60 Hits)
Gem 4: Imperfect Heated Shielding Jewel (7% Heat)
Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99)
Gem 1: Rough Dusty War Sigil (3 Thrust)
Gem 2: Rough Icy War Sigil (3 Dual Wield)
Gem 3: Flawed Fiery Essence Jewel (10 Strength)
Gem 4: Faceted Fiery Shielding Jewel (11% Crush)
Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99)
Gem 1: Flawed Dusty War Sigil (4 Thrust)
Gem 2: Polished Watery Shielding Jewel (9% Slash)
Gem 3: Flawed Vapor Shielding Jewel (5% Spirit)
Gem 4: Imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel (7% Thrust)
Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99)
Gem 1: Faceted Watery Shielding Jewel (11% Slash)
Gem 2: Flawed Heated Shielding Jewel (5% Heat)
Gem 3: Rough Light Shielding Jewel (3% Energy)
Gem 4: Flawed Dusty War Sigil (4 Thrust)
Imbue: 33.0/28 (Quality: 99)
Gem 1: Flawless Vapor Essence Jewel (25 Dexterity)
Gem 2: Flawed Earthen Shielding Jewel (5% Matter)
Gem 3: Imperfect Vapor Shielding Jewel (7% Spirit)
Gem 4: Imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel (7% Thrust)
Right Hand:
Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99)
Gem 1: Flawed Airy Shielding Jewel (5% Thrust)
Gem 2: Flawless Airy Essence Jewel (25 Quickness)
Gem 3: Imperfect Icy Shielding Jewel (7% Cold)
Gem 4: Faceted Vapor Essence Jewel (19 Dexterity)
Left Hand:
Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99)
Gem 1: Polished Light Shielding Jewel (9% Energy)
Gem 2: Flawed Vapor Shielding Jewel (5% Spirit)
Gem 3: Flawed Icy War Sigil (4 Dual Wield)
Gem 4: Imperfect Heated Shielding Jewel (7% Heat)
Imbue: 33.5/28 (Quality: 99)
Gem 1: Faceted Fiery Battle Jewel (7 Shield)
Gem 2: Rough Light Shielding Jewel (3% Energy)
Gem 3: Uncut Heated Shielding Jewel (2% Heat)
Gem 4: Raw Vapor Shielding Jewel (1% Spirit)