
[소식] 파이널 테스트 coming soon!

VOINA 2016. 8. 17. 16:44
The Final Phase


Dear players.

It has been a while since we have given you an update and we are happy to bring you a significant one in terms of progression and the upcoming relaunch. Once again we do not give out ETA's but we are now entering the final stages of the beta and we hope it will allow us to relaunch for you soon. We are as excited as you are to play Uthgard and we fully appreciate your contribution to the BETA so far, but we ask for one final push to test the realm abilities, keeps and relic system.

On Friday the 19th of August 21:00 CEST you will be able to access instant 50, realm rank 5 and free respecs on Uthgard. You will have access to some basic items that will see you adequately equipped to test. The keeps and relic system has taken a lot of time to build and required comprehensive research and we are very happy for you to now be able to test our work! You can obtain information about the keep and relic system in the news post: Welcome to the Frontiers

We hope that this final stage will not take long and we ask you our loyal community of players to assist us on the final leg of our BETA. Once this phase is complete and we are satisfied we will close the server for one to two weeks ready for the relaunch, this will give us adequate time for marketing and to prepare the server for you all.

We would like to thank you for your contribution to the beta so far, we would like to remind you that we have noticed some exploits in the game that were not reported and instead abused. Without reports from particular players we may not have discovered these before the relaunch - we ask that any exploits are reported to members of staff. Any players caught abusing any exploits will be banned on the relaunch of the server, we want an equal start for everyone and we need you to help us make this a reality.

Until then see you on Friday and let's go for the final push!

Your Uthgard Staff




저쪽 시간으로 이번주 금요일(19일) 밤9시, 우리시간으로는 토요일 새벽쯤일듯 한데, 마지막 베타 테스트가 시작 된다고 합니다.


인스턴트로 50렙, RR5 캐릭터 만들수 있고, 리스펙 기회가 제공된다고하며, 기본 장비는 어떤건지 확인이 필요하겠네요. 상황에 따라서는 크랩을 해야할지도...


주로 테스트해주길 바라는 것들은, RA스킬들과 킵 과 렐릭 시스템이라고 합니다.


마지막 테스트가 끝나면, 1~2주정도 서버를 닫고 정식 재오픈을 준비할거라고 하네요.


참고 하셔서 마지막 베타 테스트 기간 재미나게 즐기시기 바랍니다~