[뉴스]Update from behind the construction fence !
A quick update about our housing zones and how they will work. Over time, DAOC expanded the housing region for each realm to 9 zones, with 200 houses per zone for a total of 1800 houses. In the past, Uthgards housing zones were limited to 1,200 houses per realm. The reality is that we never had the time and man power to finish implementing even 1,200 houses per realm, the markets, or horse routes.
We're pleased to announce for the relaunch that we will keep 9 housing zones per realm and enable all houses. We have already completed all horse routes (there are literally hundreds of routes) and the housing lots are being enabled. New tools we use for SI enable us to have a more rapid implementation of that. In addition, players can look forward to using the markets at the center of each zone for their market explorer usage, or if the need arises, to recover something from their house vault if it has been repossessed, as well as visit the taxidermist NPCs or a tradeskill master. Due to the added capacity, we will revert to the proper live like payment methods available, taking rent from both the lockbox and your consignment merchant.
Crafting will be bound to classes on relaunch. We wanted to implement that old feature for a long time but it was not really possible to change with Uthgard already running and lots of legendary crafters. You can see which classes can learn which tradeskills here
Another change to crafting you will probably welcome might be that you can't fail on grey items anymore. Previously you had quite some chances to fail on grey items. Especially as legendary crafter this didn't feel right. That is changed now.
Arrows / Poison weight
A long long requested fix. We corrected all arrows and poisons to have half the weight of what we had. Fixing such issues while Uthgard is down is way less complex as if we had to bother about vaults and inventories.
Player concerns regarding population
One of your major concerns seems to have been whether our servers are able to handle the amount of players which potentially could be trying to access Uthgard when we open up again.
Our answer to that:
We're confident that our server can handle high player numbers without any major issue. However it would be naive to completely ignore the case of implementing a server cap even though we hope this won't become an issue.
We have implemented a per-realm player cap that can be activated if there is a need for it. To lower your frustration when the cap is reached we have implemented a queue system to the game launching process which means your client won't even launch before we're sure you can join the server. You will be able to see at which position in the queue you are currently waiting.
One of the performance issues we could run into is that in the first days our patch server will get quite some load. A possible solution to this will be to let you automatically patch your client in advance before launch day. There is quite some amount of client data to be patched to get your DAoC client back to old times and Uthgards setup.
Hopefully that answers your concern about a player cap and our servers capabilities of handling a bigger amount of players.
Defense penetration
We also wanted to give you a bit of information about some of the areas we have been devoting time during the last 3 weeks (and more).
One obvious area is defense penetration and we are happy to say that this research is starting to show its benefits.
We have developed a new formula for all types of defense (evade, shield, parry) and our formula is to our satisfaction very close to the research results we compare it to. To show you how close to a working formula we are here is how much difference there is from our formula to these research results:
Max 3.40%
Min 0.01%
avg 1.02%
Max 3.85%
Min 0.02%
avg 1.00%
Max 2.23%
Min 0.17%
avg 0.90%
So what do these numbers mean?
Basically this is the defense difference from formula to tests which for blocking means that the max difference from formula to our research are 3.40% (ie if our formula predicts 50% chance of blocking the actual research showed 46.60%). On average this difference is 1.02%, and the closest we got to our research were 0.01%.
It needs to be said however that where our formula differs the most is in extreme situations (attacker with low attack stat and skill level vs defender with high shield and high defender stat). It also needs to be said that this formula is still being developed and the more we take a look at it, the closer we gets to what research show.
And while talking about research we want to send a big thank you to all those players who helped us research defense penetration and other aspects of DAoC which is crucial for our future development.
Our research also made it possible to finally fix bolt damage and bolt miss/hit rates! We know this will make some of you happy!
Sidenote about news frequency
We know you are eagerly awaiting any news and we admit we have been slow to get news updates out to you. We would like to take a moment to explain why that can happen and why we don't push out news every other day/week and why we don't always respond to questions in forum:
a. Putting out news in a fast pace. The way we prepare our news statement is an iterative process and often our news are going through a lot of changes before it reaches your eyes. For those who are used to providing newsletters and similar texts know how much work can and often are put into these. It isn't simply writing some text in 20 minutes and posting it. Every news starts as draft and staff members add to it over time. We try to make them as well spoken, and as clear as possible. We also try to avoid posting news about plans underway and try to stick to things which are done implementing or which is at a state where we can be fairly certain we will be able to finish the project before we go live.
b. Posting on the forum in general. During the development of our relaunch we decided to keep our forum activity at a minimum for various reasons. One of those are that we simply want to devote time to coding, implementing mobs, items, doing research, etc. Another reason is because we want to make sure everyone is being told the same things and at the same time. The only way to ensure that everyone read our statements and that everyone knows where we are going with the server is posting our responses to players feedback is posting these responses in a news topic. We apologize if this leads you to believe we don't care about your posts or feedback. This is of course not a situation we like, however we hope you understand why we try to keep statements to news posts like this one.
We look forward to hearing your feedback.
Warm regards,
오랜만에 서버관련 소식이 업데이트 되었네요~
각 렐름에 9개의 하우징존을 모두 구현하고, 1800개의 하우스를 모두 사용할 수 있게 한다고 합니다.
마켓과 말 이동경로도 구현시키고, 하우스 렌트비용 지불 방법으로 lockbox 와 위탁상인 모두 이용가능하게 될거 같네요.
각각의 하우징존 중앙에 위치한 마켓에서 마켓검색도 가능해지고, 여러모로 거의 다 구현된듯 보이네요.
크래프팅은 클래스에따라 배울수 있는것이 정해지나 봅니다. 그리고 회색아이템에 대해서는 더이상 실패하지 않을거라는군요! (특히 레전더리크래프터가 회색아이템 만들때 실패하는 경우는 말이 안되는 거였죠!)
화살과 독의 무게가 이전보다 절반정도로 줄어든다고 합니다.
서버가 재 오픈 되었을때, 얼마나 많은 유저들을 수용할 수 있는지에 대해서 많이들 걱정하는듯 한데... 크게 걱정할 이슈가 아니라고 하네요.
필요하다면 구현해둔 렐름당 플레이어 캡을 활성화 시킬수도 있고, 이경우 발생할 수 있는 불만들을 낮추기 위해 구현해둔 큐 시스템이 게임런칭과정에서 유저들이 접속 할 수 있는지, 현재 대기열에서 자신의 위치가 어디인지 확인할 수 있게 된다고 합니다.
디펜스 페너트레이션에 대해서는, 모든 방어형태와 관련된 새로운 공식을 만들었는데, 꽤나 만족 할 만한 결과를 보여준다고 하네요.
위에 적혀 있는 수치들은 공식상의 결과와 실제결과의 차이를 나타낸다고 합니다. 예를들어 공식상으로 50%의 블록확률이 실제 테스트상에서는 46.60%의 결과를 보여준다는 것이죠.
그 최대 차이가 바로 3.40%라는 소리이고, 평균차이는 1.02%, 최소차이는 0.01% 라는 것입니다.
하지만 낮은 공격스탯과 스킬레벨을 가진 공격자와 높은 쉴드스킬과 방어스탯을 가진 방어자와 같은 극한 상황에서는 공식이 많이 다르다...라고 하네요.
뭐 여전히 공식은 개발중이라고 하니, 좀더 지켜봐야 겠습니다.
볼트관련해서 데미지,miss/hit 확률이 마침내 고쳐질 수 있게 되었다고 하네요!
나머지는 그냥 저냥한 이야기이군요.. :)
유저들이야 하루빨리 서버가 오픈되기를 바라고 있겠지만, 개인적인 바램으로는 리셋이라는 큰 결단을 내린만큼, 시간은 조금더 걸리더라도 완성도 높은 서버를 만들어 주었으면 하네요.
그래도 뉴스를 보면, 많이 진행된 상태인듯 하여 기대가 됩니다.