[뉴스] A look behind the scenes
Since the last news have been primarily about patch-level decisions, we decided to take a different approach today: How about an insight into what is happening behind the scenes on Uthgard? In our attempts to go more towards classic, we have come to the conclusion that the current v1.113 game client was way too modern for our patch-level - so we decided to go a little pre-alpha, and developed our own game client:
The client will feature the full 16 dos color set, including black and white! We will also try to make use the the entire extended ASCII scheme. That is close to 256 different symbols right there for you!
Okay, this is not really happening. But a lot of other things have actually been happening since Uthgard was shut down. Lets take a look at one of them:
Experimental Pathing for Monsters!
Remember those good old days when NPCs were walking through the dungeon walls, ran head-first through trees and jumped down any cliff just to get to you as fast as possible because they loved you that much? We’ve been playing around with the thought of pathing monsters for a long time but never finished implementing it during the lifetime of Uthgard v1. Well - now it is close to completion. As the first DAoC freeshard we will offer realistic mob pathing. Watch the video below to see for yourself. Please note that the NPCs were given quite a high load of caffeine - on purpose - to produce a higher server load; we’ll keep it a bit more realistic once it is really done. Enjoy!
This works outdoors and indoors in pretty much any zone. Of course it is still experimental and there are glitches that remain to be fixed, but we hope that you can get an idea of what we have been working on in the past few days, and where this is going.
Your Uthgard Staff
이번 뉴스는 아주 흥미롭고, 반가운 소식입니다.
첫 시작은, 농담으로 시작하는데... 대충 요약하자면,
1.113버전 클라이언트는 지금 목표로 잡은 클래식 패치레벨에 비해 너무 현대적이라서, 서버에 맞는 구 버전 클라이언트를 만들었다..
검정과 흰색을 포함한 풀 16 도스 색상을 갖추게 될것이고, 블라~블라~블라~
스크린샷을 보시면 아시겠지만, 도스상에서 텍스트로 즐기는 다옥이 되었습니다 ^^
뭐, 이런일은 일어나지 않을것이고, 본론으로 들어간다네요 ㅎㅎ
진짜 뉴스는 바로, 몹들의 이동경로 실험에 관한 것이었습니다!!
이전에는 몹들이 던전의 벽을 뚫고 지나간다던지, 나무를 통과한다던지, 절벽아래로 떨어져 버린다던지...등등의 현상이 발생했는데, 우스가드v1 기간동안에 스탭들은 해당 문제를 해결할 수 없었다고 합니다.
하지만, 이제 거의 구현이 되어간다고 하네요. 유투브 영상을 보시면, 어떻게 구현이 되어지고 있는지 확인 하 실수 있습니다!
더불어, 펫 이동경로와 관련된문제(rvr 킵 공/수성시에 펫 이동 등등..)를 유저들이 건의하고 있는데, 어떻게 될지는 지켜보아야 할 거 같습니다.
우스가드v2.0 에서는 모든 문제가 해결되어 완벽하게 구현되길 바래봅니다.