타젠디 소식!
2013. 10. 27. 10:23
Having discovered the secrets of Tajendi, Archaeologist Boggle and his staff have moved on looking for new sites to explore. Whether or not Churiel's magic will resurface into our world is not known, but for now, adventurers can sleep well knowing that the portal to The Land Beyond the River is secure.
What this means for you:
1. Tajendi will return in the future as a special, limited time event
2. When Tajendi returns, loot will have different stats and different drop rates
3. Uthalis will be available in varying quantities for exploring Tajendi
4. When item decay comes, existing Tajendi items will decay faster than comparable level items. Custom jewelry will also be able to "break"
5. We will offer an item exchange where players can choose the new, reworked items that decay at a standard rate and follow normal loot rules (regarding jewelry)
6. The new, reworked items will have different stats that will be comparable to items that fit our time period.
7. Existing item stats will not be changed and you will have ample time to replace any item. Once item decay is implemented, you will no longer be able to exchange them for the new items.
item decay가 정확하게 어떻게 작동하고, 언제 구현될지 알 수 없으니, 조금 답답하군요.
item의 con%가 얼마나 빨리 닳게 되는지...
그리고 이게 구현되어질때, npc스미스 와 플레이어크래프터간의 수리하는것에 차이가 없게 될거라는데...음...
여튼, 구현되고나서 봐야알겠지만, 상황에 따라서는 템플릿을 새로 짜야 될지도 모르겠군요...
item decay가 정확하게 어떻게 작동하고, 언제 구현될지 알 수 없으니, 조금 답답하군요.
item의 con%가 얼마나 빨리 닳게 되는지...
그리고 이게 구현되어질때, npc스미스 와 플레이어크래프터간의 수리하는것에 차이가 없게 될거라는데...음...
여튼, 구현되고나서 봐야알겠지만, 상황에 따라서는 템플릿을 새로 짜야 될지도 모르겠군요...